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Are You a Victim of the “Aircon Syndrome”?

Stuck in the office for long hours? You might just be a victim of the aircon syndrome. As more and more people are staying in air-conditioned rooms for prolonged periods, our bodies subconsciously experience anxiety, cold limbs, headaches and even insomnia. This is caused by a phenomenon where rapid cooling generates an abundance of positive ions in the environment, disrupting the body’s electrical balance.

What Are Positive Ions? Why Are They Harmful?
Positive ions are everywhere. They are ions produced from air conditioners, UV rays, Wi-Fi, electronic devices, computers, mobile phones and many more. Excessive levels of positive ions can upset our bodies’ electrical stability, causing common day symptoms like stress, fatigue, poor concentration, and even depression. How does this happen?
When our bodies ingest too many positive ions, stable cells are damaged through the loss of negative electrons, becoming free radicals1 in the body. This increases the acidity in our bodies and damages healthy cells, causing the issue of chronic conditions and illnesses.

Free Radicals – Molecules which are lacking electron(s), that move freely around the body,
attempting to grab electrons from other body cells to become stable.

Positive Ions -> Oxidation -> Decomposition -> Damage

Damages the health condition of all living things.

What Positive Ions Damages, Negative Ions Repairs.

Unless we move into the mountains and cut ourselves free of all electronics, it is impossible to steer clear of positive ions as they are a by product of our modern livelihood. In other words, we cannot avoid it, but we can only find ways to coexist with it. A simple solution would be to counter using negative ions. As we introduce negative ions into the body, they are responsible for neutralizing the free radicals, preventing cells from oxidizing and aging.

Negative Ions -> Reduction By Electron (Detox) -> Synthesis -> Recovery

Promotes the robust growth of people and all living things.

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